Student Discipline


We believe first  and foremost in the worth of all our students.  They are treated with dignity, respect, and fairness in all of our discipline policies.   We follow Washington State Laws in regards to discipline and have developed procedures for managing students incidents.  As part of our procedures, we work with all students involved to resolve behaviors in such a way that it restores any broken relationships.  Each incident is treated as a separate incident when determining consequences.  There are times we will use progressive discipline steps if the student's behavior is a repeat of previous behavior or is considered a major disruption to the environment or is specifically outlined by Washington State Law as requiring more severe consequences.  You can find our discipline steps in our Student and Family Handbook linked here.

Conway School has three sets of programs that we use to support students and staff.

Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS):  The purpose of this program is to help students positively interact with each other and adults on campus by following a common set of expectations for behaviors.  This program promotes positive  responses to missteps and allows students to correct their behaviors.

Conscious Discipline:  This program equips our staff with strategies to integrate social emotional learning, self regulation, and personal discipline into their teaching.  This program helps students take responsibility for their behaviors and reduces the time spent on student management. 

Playworks: Helping kids to stay active and build social skills through play.  We not only equip our staff with tools to manage games and activities while teaching social skills, but we develop Playwork Coaches within our student body to help them become leaders that can coach other students.

This website is a great resource for parents that are working on behavioral issues at home.

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