Transportation / Weather Routes

Transportation Supervisor: 
Angela Pederson, 360-445-5785 Opt. 2

Conway School District

Alternative Bus Routes & School Closure Information

We make decisions on whether school will be delayed or canceled based on road and weather conditions.  We will also closely monitor surrounding school districts and their status.  Once a decision is made we will try to get information the night before if possible, if not we will notify parents by 6am.  

Additional Info on School Closures can be found on Inclement Weather Newsletter.

We will text, email, and / or call through School Messenger as our main communication and let you know:  
Whether school is on time, delayed, or close.  And if transportation routes are changed for the day.

You can also find updates on the following KOMO Link:

Inclement Weather Bus Routes:
Unless noted below, your student will be picked up or dropped off at their normal location.  If your child has special pickup arrangements, please check in with our transportation department to see if they will be picked up. 

If Inclement weather bus routes are used for the AM bus route, the PM bus route will remain on Inclement Weather Bus Routes for the afternoon. If we have a late start, add two hours to your normal bus pick up times.  If we have late start and are on alternative routes, add two hours to the times below for pickup.

Water over the roadway?  See info at the bottom of the bus list.

Inclement Weather Bus Routes have limited stops.
Bus L
Lake McMurray Fire Hall (7:15-7:30) (3:45).
Lake 16 meet at Lake 16 and State Route 534 (7:38) (3:35).
Cedar Ridge students meet at Highway 534 (7:40/3:37).
 Heights at the bottom of Hermway Heights Drive (7:50-7:59) (3:18-3:20). 

Bus C (Pamela):  All stops at the regular time.  Cascade Ridge Students will be picked up and dropped off at Stackpole road no time change.

Bus F  (Rhonda):   Four stops only:  
Conway Fir Island Church (7:15-7:30) (3:15-3:30), 
Snow Goose (7:40-7:55) (3:40-3:55) , and
Hayton Farms Berry Stand @ Fir Island /Dry Slough Road (8:00/4:00)
Guardrail @ Broadway/Fire Hall in the PM (8:15/3:15)

Bus S  (Nicole):
Milltown, Pacific Highway Normal times.
Bulson Road/Starbird Loop pick up at Starbird & Bulson at the four way stop (7:33/3:30).
Tyee Road students will be picked up at Tyee and Bulson Road (7:30/3:25).
Starbird (7:36/3:33)

Bulson North of Tyee Pick up times will run normal but DROP OFF will be 15 mins earlier than normal times.

BUS P (Jeff):  Same PM schedule as normal unless there is flooding or heave rain, then move to Southwest side of the parking lot.

Park N Ride drop off will be moved to the South West part of the parking lot.  See map below.

If you have excessive water over your roadway, our buses will not be able to pickup your student at their regular stop.  Students will be picked up at the closest intersection to your stop.  If it is not safe for you to get your child to the new pickup location, please keep yourself and your family safe.  You can contact Kelli at 360-445-5785 or use Pickup Patrol to report your child's absence.

NOTE: Once children are at school, a normal dismissal schedule will be maintained (unless extreme conditions develop).  We do not want to drop off students at homes earlier than parents are expecting them.  Under all circumstances student safety and well-being will be our primary concern and the key factor in our decision making.

If emergency conditions develop during the day, you will be notified, and students will be dropped off at the places listed above.  If you have any questions, please contact us.

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