
Attendance line: 360-445-5785 #3 (Pickup Patrol is quick and easy, see link below).

Attendance policy can be found in our Handbook

Attendance : At Conway School, consistent and on-time attendance affects what
students learn in their classroom. It is essential to attend school regularly and be on time to every class.

When it is necessary for students to miss school, the absence must be
excused through Pickup Patrol, a written note, a phone call from a parent/guardian or e-mail to [email protected] . All absences are considered unexcused until a note or phone call is received.

If you know you are going on a trip or attending an event such as a funeral or wedding, you can prearrange your absence with the office and if needed get work for your student.  The following form needs to be filled out and the absence discussed with your child's teacher.

Planned Absence Form

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